Keeping It “Business as Usual” Will Kill Your Business
In today’s fast-paced, technologically driven society, the marketplace can change on a dime. Businesses that not only succeed but thrive are the ones that can adapt to—or, even better, anticipate—change with as little effort as possible. Which means that, keeping your business running at “business as usual” status won’t allow you to grow.
The price of being stagnant is remarkably high. If your company is sluggish to adopt new ideas or new thinking, be aware that your competitors aren’t. They are out there working on not just the ideas for a better tomorrow, but the ones for a better next week, and with that thinking, they’re winning more of your customers. And making your business obsolete.
Furthermore, not only are you losing ground in the marketplace; you’re losing ground with your employees. If your company culture is listless and driven by “because we’ve always done it that way,” employees will be prone to boredom. You risk even your best employees migrating elsewhere (likely to a competitor that champions innovation). Or worse, you risk keeping the same comfort-zone-loving, narrow-minded worker drones who will cultivate and recycle the culture of stasis.
Which is why it’s best to challenge the status quo. It won’t be easy to make a cultural mindset shift, but it will be worth it. Here are some thoughts on how to go about it:
- To start, be sure that your leadership makes a point of supporting creativity and innovation—in every aspect of your business. And not just when it comes to your product. But in how you do business. And even in how coffee is made in the break room. Promote new ideas and highlight the people who present them. Create a culture of change so you can build that better mousetrap.
- Hire diversity. Breaking away from a homogenous staff will help ensure new thinking based on different experiences and perspectives, which will bring more breakthrough ideas. Plus that will help your company to better access an increasingly diverse population of consumers.
- Be willing to take some risks. They can be well-thought-out. They can be calculated. But without the willingness to try something risky, your company will never try something new. And you’ll be stuck in that same status quo rut for longer.
These days, in our “next generation” culture, innovation is the speed of doing business. Your company will do best to get on board and move beyond “business as usual” by becoming creative, embracing change, and being ready to adapt to a shifting marketplace.